How to Form a Professional Corporation in Alabama (2023 Guide)


Forming a professional corporation is an important step for professionals in Alabama who want to take advantage of the benefits associated with this type of business structure. A professional corporation allows professionals like doctors, lawyers, engineers, and accountants to limit their liability and maintain certain professional standards. In this guide, we will walk you through the process of forming a professional corporation in Alabama in 2023.

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Legal Requirements and Documents

Before you embark on the journey of forming a professional corporation in Alabama, it is crucial to familiarize yourself with the legal requirements and documents involved.

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Name Availability and Reserve

When selecting a name for your professional corporation, make sure to choose a unique name that accurately reflects your profession. Check the Alabama Secretary of State's website or contact them to ensure your chosen name is available and complies with their naming regulations. Alabama also allows name reservation for a certain period, providing you with time to gather the required documents and complete the formation process.

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Articles of Incorporation

The Articles of Incorporation is a key document that establishes the existence of your professional corporation. You can obtain a form of Articles of Incorporation from the Alabama Secretary of State website or create a customized document with the help of a legal professional. The Articles of Incorporation should include:

- The name of the professional corporation

- The address of the corporation's principal office

- The names and addresses of the initial directors

- A statement indicating the professional services the corporation will engage in

- The duration of the corporation (which can be perpetual)

Certificate of Formation

In addition to the Articles of Incorporation, you will also need to file a Certificate of Formation with the Alabama Secretary of State. This document contains further information about your corporation, including the names of all shareholders, and must be filed along with the Articles of Incorporation.

Statutory Agent

Every professional corporation in Alabama is required to have a registered statutory agent. This agent is responsible for accepting legal documents, notices, and other correspondence on behalf of the corporation. The registered statutory agent must have a physical address in Alabama and must be available during business hours.

Process of Formation

Now that you are familiar with the legal requirements and documents needed, let's walk through the process of forming a professional corporation in Alabama.

Step 1: Prepare the Documents

Gather all the necessary documents, including the Articles of Incorporation, Certificate of Formation, and any other required supporting documents. Ensure that the documents are accurately filled out and signed by the appropriate parties.

Step 2: File with the Secretary of State

Submit the completed documents, along with the required filing fee, to the Alabama Secretary of State. This can be done either in-person, via mail, or online, depending on the secretary of state's preferred method.

Step 3: Obtain an Employer Identification Number (EIN)

Once your professional corporation is officially registered with the Secretary of State, you will need to obtain an Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The EIN is a unique identifier required for tax purposes.

Step 4: Business Licenses and Permits

Check with the appropriate Alabama regulatory boards to determine if your profession requires any special licenses or permits to operate a professional corporation. Different professions may have specific requirements that need to be met to ensure compliance with state regulations.

Step 5: Create a Corporate Bylaws

Developing corporate bylaws is crucial in defining the operational and organizational structure of your professional corporation. The bylaws should outline procedures for appointing directors and officers, handling voting rights, conducting meetings, and making important corporate decisions.

Step 6: Open a Bank Account for your Professional Corporation

Separate your personal and professional finances by opening a bank account exclusively for your professional corporation. This will help maintain clear financial records and enhance your professional image.


Forming a professional corporation in Alabama in 2023 requires careful attention to legal requirements and proper documentation. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can establish a professional corporation that offers limited liability protection and ensures compliance with the state's regulations. Remember to seek legal advice if necessary, and maintain ongoing compliance with Alabama's corporate regulations to sustain the benefits of your professional corporation.

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